Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rage upon the machine

Logan has registered us for the Rainbow Rage on March 21st. That's just over 2 months away, so we've been trying to put a few more k's under the wheels.

We did a quick lap of Bottle Lake earlier in the week, taking in the right side track up to the beach, then followed the Pegasus track to Spencer Park, then more single track back to the carpark. We did a majority of it in a single gear as we are again having issues with the rear derailleur which ain't worth fixing when it's going to be replaced in a week. Lap time was 50 minutes, and that was without trying too hard, taking it fairly easy except for the 40kph+ sprint down the final dark straight.

So tonight we did an old ride we have neglected for a while. I arrived at Logan's just before 6pm and we headed off to the secret shortcut (longcut?) along the riverbanks to McLeans Island. Wow. Someone must really hate cyclists as they have made a slightly uncomfortable ride a scary, hard, dangerous and difficult one. All it took was a few hundred thousand tons of gravel and the ability to place it where it will be easy to drive over yet nearly impossible to ride through. Many places on the road and stopbank have deep wheel ruts which are packed solid and easy to ride, except they are now full of loose gravel, making them ticking bombs ready to swallow your front wheel without warning. Many close calls, slow speeds and hard grinding (damn gears!) and we arrived at McLeans Island and got ready for a lap. We haven't done it for ages, so set off at a good pace, but not pushing hard. The track is still in good condition and we knocked it off in 31mins which is our best time yet. We must be getting better at this thing! We tackled the gravel death pits on the way back and made it home with just over 45km on the clock. Not bad for an evening ride.

Now, we have two plans afoot. We have to test the new gear out (especially the front suspension) once the bike is ready, starting at Bottle Lake, progressing to McLeans Island and then giving Kennedys and/or Rapaki a crack. The other task is the skid training on a grassy bank somewhere. Tail-whips on a tandem is going to be a chaotic mix of pain and hilarity. A potential location has been found, but we might need to do some vodka shots before we give it the first serious crack!

So, with a bit of luck, the bike goes in the shop tomorrow, and comes out all covered in bling about a week later. We'll be faster, stronger, leaner and meaner! Watch out if you see us coming because even tho we'll have nice new hydraulic brakes, we won't be stopping for anyone or anything!

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