It's been a while since Logan and I went for a ride, or a run, and it's mostly because we've both been busy. When you are at capacity, timing your free slots with another equally busy individual is often impossible. However, when we last had a big chat, Logan said that training for an event was his motivation, so event hunting we went.
Our first option, seriously considered, was the Twizel Hard Labour Weekend which would involve a 44km mountain bike ride, a 90km road ride and a 19km hill run. I was the one with the issue here as my shins blow out after just a few km, so we did some training runs (Logan was training for the SBS (half)Marathon at the time) and I came to the conclusion that my legs would not be ready for a 19km run by the end of October, let alone a hill run. Plus, being out of town we'd have to organise families and all that... Sigh. Maybe next year.
Second option that presented itself, and is still an opportunity, is Le Petit Brevet 2010 which is a 300km mountain bike ride through the hills in 36 hours. I have seen the preliminary course map, and it includes 5.8km of elevation in it. Crikey. Advantages of this is that it's free to enter (and no prize money) and it's local. While there would be a bit of walking involved with the tandem, we'd be able to ride a vast majority of it. The problem is that it is a huge undertaking and will require long and extensive training rides in preparation for it, and we just don't have that kind of time.
And then I had an idea. I contacted Barbara from Events with Purpose about the Blokes Tri she runs. I had done it last year and figured it would be a local event we could easily train for as it's short, sharp, familiar and pretty cheap too! While there is no tandem class, Barbara said we could sign up and so we did. Yep, we're taking on the series. Because I haven't been swimming with Logan before, and time is of the essence for us, we opted for the duathlon instead of the triathlon.
The first event is the 3rd October, about 7 weeks away. With a 1km run, 10km ride and 3km run, I know we can physically do it right now without any additional training required, but that's just an excuse. Eventually the ride is 20km and the run is 1+5km, a distance I cannot as yet complete without shin failure. So, jogging training is required, more for me than Logan, but there is of course one more challenge awaiting us. Transition!
As a sighted individual, transition can be quick and streamlined. But, with the Logan and the tandem it's going to require some practice. So, my first training session with Logan is going to be hell for him. Poor bugger. As we need to work on transitions and jogging and riding, we'll do laps on bike and foot, repetitively. I have a 650m circuit organised, on soft surface, so we can do 3 laps on bike at sprint pace, then transition to running for 2 laps, then transition back to bike, run, bike, run, you get my drift. As it's close to Logans house, I can work him till he cries, then wheel him home again. Unfortunately, I'll be working just as hard too and will have to make my own way home :(
So, that's the plan. October 3rd we rise early and do a duathlon as the sun rises, then learn from our experience for the next one in November. Between now and then, lots of short and sharp training sessions. Sprints and explosive power and probably a few tears too.
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